HomerS posts, page 3

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27-October-2017 Friday
Google Translate and Mongolian

18-October-2017 Wednesday
Learn, they said...

13-October-2017 Friday
Our peninsula

10-October-2017 Tuesday
Happy Holidays

05-October-2017 Thursday
Chotky cat

22-September-2017 Friday
Guys, what is a bird? To save or not to touch?

13-September-2017 Wednesday
About the iPhone X after seeing it yesterday

25-August-2017 Friday
Guys, watch your pants...

15-May-2016 Sunday
Sawing a channel of life hacks with my wife, what do you say?

01-April-2015 Wednesday
You say paw?!

22-March-2015 Sunday
Professor's cat, ep

20-March-2015 Friday
"O" stands for efficiency

14-February-2015 Saturday
With a claw... into an egg...

08-February-2015 Sunday
This is a marketing masterpiece!

24-January-2015 Saturday
I said mine!

16-January-2015 Friday
Going through the archives visiting my parents

02-January-2015 Friday
Is 2015 the year of the programmer?

27-December-2014 Saturday
Helplessness or addiction?

27-December-2014 Saturday
I'm catching it!

21-December-2014 Sunday
Who is stubborn?

19-December-2014 Friday
Wife just wanted to cuddle...

12-December-2014 Friday
Changed my mind...

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