HolyMaryJane comments, page 17

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23-December-2023 Saturday
About life in Belarus

23-December-2023 Saturday

16-December-2023 Saturday
Reply to the post “This is Belarus, baby”

29-November-2023 Wednesday
"Goblin" against non-Russian diggers

29-November-2023 Wednesday
Dinner time!

28-November-2023 Tuesday
Reply to the post “7th graders deliberately threw rotten crab sticks at the teacher in order to film her reaction. The punishment was not long in coming."

28-November-2023 Tuesday
The bloody regime is raging in Korea

23-November-2023 Thursday
A woman from the Duma loudly shouted “we won’t vote” several times and one of the parties abstained from voting on the “fair price” bill.

17-November-2023 Friday
Blinken's face like a political tragedy

15-November-2023 Wednesday
Cover of The Economist Magazine for 2024. Conspiracy theorists, come here

15-November-2023 Wednesday
What strange things have been said to you as if they were absolutely normal?

11-November-2023 Saturday
Reply to the post “Dolly Oblonskaya’s cracked nipples alone are worth it!” and 19 more complaints from parents about literature at school"

11-November-2023 Saturday
“Dolly Oblonskaya’s cracked nipples alone are worth it!” and 19 more complaints from parents about literature at school

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