Hohol2 posts, page 144

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19-December-2021 Sunday
Tariffs and "Facts"

18-December-2021 Saturday
Most Popular Videos of 2021 According to CNN

18-December-2021 Saturday
And once she could not feed herself ...

17-December-2021 Friday
Peremogi of the year

16-December-2021 Thursday
As for me, "Klim Chugunkin" was more adequate ...

16-December-2021 Thursday
Well, they waited ... Already felt better

15-December-2021 Wednesday
Previously, at least paper and paint were spent ...

15-December-2021 Wednesday
Ukraine and Sweden signed the Agreement on Military Cooperation

15-December-2021 Wednesday
I love that...

15-December-2021 Wednesday
Sensitive Anniversary

15-December-2021 Wednesday
Migration crisis

14-December-2021 Tuesday
They say Poland, they say that they just didn't want to wear a mask normally... But that's not accurate.

14-December-2021 Tuesday
Until the last I was looking for traces of IA "Panorama"...

14-December-2021 Tuesday
A unique event in swimming

14-December-2021 Tuesday
The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) and the State Holodomor Museum deliberately falsify the number of victims of mass starvation in the Ukrainian SSR

13-December-2021 Monday
On covid statistics...

12-December-2021 Sunday
China kicks the hegemon...

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