Hmant comments

29-September-2021 Wednesday
I knew they would come in handy...

13-September-2020 Sunday
My path to industry. automation. Automatic control system software engineer

04-December-2019 Wednesday
New radio-controlled chassis with all-wheel drive

19-September-2019 Thursday
Which filter filament

28-August-2019 Wednesday
Part 4. Chassis of a radio-controlled car on a 3D printer - tests, improvements, videos.

23-May-2019 Thursday
Questions for screenwriters

21-April-2019 Sunday
Part 3. Chassis of a radio-controlled car on a 3D printer - tests, improvements, videos.

19-February-2019 Tuesday

19-January-2019 Saturday
Test printed on a 3D printer ZIL 130 on a wpl b1 chassis
