Heshhi comments, page 8

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06-August-2020 Thursday
Reply to the post “Will you give me a discount?”

18-July-2020 Saturday
Tanya Ryder's story

08-July-2020 Wednesday
Swindler's debut

26-June-2020 Friday
Can't you become famous for good deeds?

25-June-2020 Thursday
My police are guarding me

24-June-2020 Wednesday
That's why I love the group Mumiy Troll

09-June-2020 Tuesday
Young Leonardo DiCaprio looks into Monica Bellucci's eyes

30-May-2020 Saturday
About employers and suckers

29-May-2020 Friday
Request for help

26-May-2020 Tuesday
I can't even believe that this happens

24-May-2020 Sunday
We hope they understand

04-May-2020 Monday
Stop feeding the priests!

02-May-2020 Saturday
How I looked for a hidden miner

01-May-2020 Friday
What is bad luck?

30-April-2020 Thursday
A separate cauldron has been prepared for them in hell.

26-April-2020 Sunday
Ride through the forest on a bicycle

18-April-2020 Saturday
So where?

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