22-March-2023 Wednesday
Response to the post "An updated version of the Russian T-62 tanks outperforms Western tanks on the battlefield"

08-February-2023 Wednesday
Reply to the post "When I found oil"

17-January-2023 Tuesday
Volodin proposed to make service in the Russian Armed Forces mandatory for civil servants

26-November-2022 Saturday
Armchair generals, your time has come

14-November-2022 Monday
Neighbor's grass is greener

25-September-2022 Sunday
Reply to the post “Did you read it? 24.09.2022"

23-September-2022 Friday
Is it really all right?

02-May-2022 Monday
Interventional response in "In any incomprehensible situation, amputate the limb"

04-October-2021 Monday
A - anarchy

03-October-2021 Sunday
Reply to the post "Theft"
