Harli comments, page 2

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01-April-2014 Tuesday
Vkontakte is not available.

01-April-2014 Tuesday
new cosplay scratch

01-April-2014 Tuesday
and then I thought...

01-April-2014 Tuesday
When, due to work, I didn’t follow the “jokes”

01-April-2014 Tuesday
Ip Man (Bruce Lee's teacher) fights against 10 karate masters.

01-April-2014 Tuesday
Sveta is the coolest xD xD

01-April-2014 Tuesday
I have no idea what I'm doing here

01-April-2014 Tuesday
March 29 in Rostov-on-Don

01-April-2014 Tuesday
Dad with Lyalya

01-April-2014 Tuesday
Was it a blow? Here is a blow!

01-April-2014 Tuesday
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

01-April-2014 Tuesday
It seems MDK didn't get the humor.

01-April-2014 Tuesday
Just remember the sound of the engine and scroll on :-)

01-April-2014 Tuesday
"Suddenly, my good, my beloved Crocodile met me. He was walking along the alley with Totosha and Kokosha ..."

01-April-2014 Tuesday
Just imagine

01-April-2014 Tuesday
I started drawing in Adobe flash (I would like to know the shortcomings)

01-April-2014 Tuesday

01-April-2014 Tuesday

01-April-2014 Tuesday
Loser lvl 80

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