03-March-2024 Sunday
Reply to Andrewsarh in "When You Get Away With Lies"
31-December-2023 Sunday
Reply to the post “Stories about human impudence”
05-November-2023 Sunday
Reply to the post “I have a hard time feeling the size of the deer at this time”
09-September-2023 Saturday
Vasyan's answer to "Caring Neighbor"
18-July-2023 Tuesday
Reply to "I don't know what to do"
05-May-2023 Friday
How to distinguish UAVs from planes and helicopters at night?
28-April-2023 Friday
Reply to "I am Holmes"
22-April-2023 Saturday
Looking for a song about Crimea
11-February-2023 Saturday
Cyanocitta's response to "The Disgruntled Hostess"
30-January-2023 Monday
Reply to the post "First experience"
16-January-2023 Monday
akevitt's answer to "What epic situation have you seen in real life?"
28-November-2022 Monday
Reply to the post "Hooligans started an unsuccessful game in Ramenskoye in a house on Krasnoarmeiskaya street 27a to become famous"
25-November-2022 Friday
missisissi's response to "There is one small, restless but"
23-November-2022 Wednesday
Ushastiy's answer to "The Story of One Debt"
14-November-2022 Monday
Reply to the post “It burns. . »
08-November-2022 Tuesday
zolotaika00's answer to "Don't be ashamed"
03-November-2022 Thursday
Evongelion's response to "Snitch?!"
27-September-2022 Tuesday
SamsungtheBEST's response to "Are they all morons?"
30-August-2022 Tuesday
Coincidence or are we listening?