Gumiho comments, page 6

[7] [6] [5] [1]

23-July-2023 Sunday
"The Sound of Freedom" is the best film of the year

08-July-2023 Saturday
My wife is raping me (or another whining about marital sex)

02-June-2023 Friday

15-May-2023 Monday
Data: what is collected about you, and what is closed from you

28-April-2023 Friday
Statistics, charts, events - and more about dedollarization

24-March-2023 Friday
Sleep with a cat

02-February-2023 Thursday
About compliments in marriage

01-November-2022 Tuesday
Male solidarity

21-October-2022 Friday
The man who strangled and beat the child's head on the asphalt, said at the trial that he did not regret what he had done.

23-September-2022 Friday
Useful info! In the light of recent events

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