best comments
Male solidarity
Male solidarity
Life injustice
Stas Mikhailov
Well, a very competent doctor.
Not a bug, but a feature!
Male solidarity
Well, yeah, well...
Male solidarity
Life injustice
Not a bug, but a feature!
Past in the past
Male solidarity
Nothing to blame on the mirror
Ask for help from the League of Lawyers!
Model Notes: "Occupational Injuries"
Male solidarity
Not a bug, but a feature!
How mortgages lead to divorce
Emotions of parents
Life injustice
Male solidarity
Scary beast
Well, yeah, well...
Response to the post "Childhood and Murder"
Response to the post "Nado"
Well, yeah, well...
I want to become an interior designer
Not a bug, but a feature!
Not a bug, but a feature!
Life injustice
How to deal with cat scratches
Counted and wondered
Generation difference
Generation difference
He is, without a doubt, the best fellow traveler of my entire life.
Well, yeah, well...
Response to the post "Nado"
Evening Kazan
Stas Mikhailov
Issued a laptop for work
Response to the post "Is it okay not to want to be the boss?"
Stas Mikhailov
Tinkoff... How so?
Tinkoff... How so?
Response to the post "Nado"
Analysts and similar courses
Choice: Should I buy a sand coffee set OR a carob coffee maker?
Not a bug, but a feature!
Not a bug, but a feature!
Not a bug, but a feature!