worst comments
Russian courage. What is a Russian person capable of?
Robert Downey Jr.
Heroes of our time
Handmade Weaver figurine
Oh, this fashion ...
Awesome art on trash
Fashion is such a fashion
And let's arrange a gift exchange under this post? To the stim.
Fashion, what are you doing!? HAHAHA, STOP IT! :)
This terrible and life-poisoning word is acne.
The new season of Fizruk is a disappointment
Christmas Surprise
From start to finish!
Tale of the Dead
Useful tips from Pikabu :D
School violence in South Korea.
I temper my character by overcoming obstacles, stubbornly drawing a square with a compass.
“Every day you are surprised that the most worthy of people are lonely…”
The train driver rescued a puppy that had fallen onto the tracks.
Baborab! Especially for you, MD has prepared a memo - "how should you act when meeting with masculists"
The comrade got a little tired on the game world and decided to take a nap, it was necessary to follow his example.
Murad Osman and Natalya Zakharova, creators of the Follow Me project
Media crackdown coming
Oh this smell! :)
I think I know how it all ended...
this generation will not save anything