GreyCardinal comments, page 2

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28-November-2015 Saturday
General New Year's Gift Exchange

19-November-2015 Thursday
Parrot after bathing tried to fly through the mirror

26-October-2015 Monday
Attack on a car rental in Moscow.

22-October-2015 Thursday
When Dagestan impudence does not work.

21-October-2015 Wednesday
CSKA hockey player's reservation live

12-October-2015 Monday
Tricks in the market

22-September-2015 Tuesday
What does your child eat at school or kindergarten? (Announcement)

23-August-2015 Sunday
Thirteen and a half...

22-August-2015 Saturday
And in 98 everyone laughed ..

17-August-2015 Monday
Grandmothers in a high-rise building

07-August-2015 Friday
Gypsies - expectation and reality

05-August-2015 Wednesday
Coming soon, any fantasy film

28-July-2015 Tuesday
About prostitutes

17-July-2015 Friday
All one-eyed question

11-July-2015 Saturday
New epic trailer for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

11-July-2015 Saturday
17 facial expressions familiar to everyone who drinks

02-July-2015 Thursday

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