13-February-2021 Saturday
A little about the sore point
13-February-2021 Saturday
Moscow snowfall. Butovo
13-February-2021 Saturday
13-February-2021 Saturday
Anti-vaxxers brought a nurse to tears
13-February-2021 Saturday
Need advice
13-February-2021 Saturday
On the issue of the current situation in education
12-February-2021 Friday
The horrors of Soviet co-living
12-February-2021 Friday
Away isn't so good
12-February-2021 Friday
About kindness and arrogance
12-February-2021 Friday
12-February-2021 Friday
About buyers
11-February-2021 Thursday
09-February-2021 Tuesday
Reply to the post “Lunatics also want to eat (not sure)”
09-February-2021 Tuesday
Russia has banned the removal of child stowaways from public transport
09-February-2021 Tuesday
About cops and garbage
08-February-2021 Monday
Don't pass by when kids are fighting
08-February-2021 Monday
Reply to the post “If you see any lawlessness, turn away and move on”
08-February-2021 Monday
If you see any lawlessness, turn away and move on.
05-February-2021 Friday
A wonderful neighbor moved into our house
04-October-2020 Sunday
What do you call your contacts?