worst comments
I sit - I knit (gloves)
tATu - They won't catch up with us (performance at the 2014 Olympics)
Is this already domestic violence?
Russian rock.
I blog about my family of five sons. I am the mother of boys. They ask me the question: "What should I do with my husband during pregnancy?" I answer
Need help from the League of Historians
I blog about my family of five sons. I am the mother of boys. They ask me the question: "What should I do with my husband during pregnancy?" I answer
tATu - They won't catch up with us (performance at the 2014 Olympics)
American movies...
My Great Uncle and Abraham Lincoln
Need help finding hair dye.
Continuation of the theme of Jessica Biel
The best defense is an attack.
The best defense is an attack.
About the "intrigue" of the US elections
Tennessee fired four police officers and suspended two more for having sex with a married colleague during work hours
Come up with a name
Is this already domestic violence?
Is this already domestic violence?
Question about linoleum flooring in a private house
Letter to Santa Claus.
Be patient, animals, summer is coming...
Hello everyone, my name is Sergey and I'm hysterical.
Softness to you!
Last name is
"Pilaf from rabbits". Garage kitchen.
What if )
Call the police
Hey Peekaboo.
ugly duck
School Prometheus
How not to name children
Pikabushniki, very lonely and sad. Save t_t
Lady Gaga's outfit at the presentation of the new album in Berlin.
The 2014 Olympics as it is.
The 2014 Olympics as it is.
Who will explain what is the point?
Hades and Persephone
Bolt to work!
Appeal to the League of Artists, please do not drown me, because I really need help.
Kittens as a gift with home delivery :3
10 most significant photographs in history
Interesting facts about redheads
Gift of autumn and forest
I'll go first!