best comments
And these are found.
The only way to lose weight
How to make fried chicken get up and go
The girl asked for a coffee maker. Pfft, easy!
Timati and Decl in 1999
A wonderful family.
CSN changes light bulbs :)
Life in America through the eyes of slaves
One hundred and fifty times about "they are children"
"Beautiful - to the left, ordinary - to the right"
seems like they like it here
Adrianna Avenicci
Vanilla westeros
Foam party
Girls ...
How to break the brain of visitors to Blagoveshchensk
ingenious plan
A story about order
The story of the "cancer patient"
Extreme measures
China still reminds of itself
Ten liters of juice from five oranges!
Mojito in a liter jar
How to break the brain of visitors to Blagoveshchensk
Grandmother programmer
Found in myself. Looks like I know what to do in between cutting salads ^_^
Everything new is well forgotten old
We are going from an excursion, and then ... daedrite, Azura ?!
seems like they like it here
bird cafe
We are going from an excursion, and then ... daedrite, Azura ?!
Still life in the nineties
Women's Forums Special Issue No. 4
April 1
Not everyone gets married
What would happen if I became a guy
How Putin and Schroeder went to the bathhouse
Hey! Money!!!
We found it!
"Beautiful - to the left, ordinary - to the right"
Master! Riot on the ship!
And the truth
How I drank my "globe"
Hard case
When booking a hotel room, I asked for a picture of Nicolas Cage on the pillow upon arrival. They decided to have some fun.
Beautiful deed, well done Sanchez!
Mile 419.99
A little about travel...
"Now he's there for the ages"
About Gothic.
And really, it would be more spectacular
Extreme measures
Bringing old cast iron cookware back to life
Good wizard and noble oak
Contact lenses
Parents who decide to troll their children
How to make fried chicken get up and go
Feelings of shame and embarrassment
Why comics don't come out as often as we would like
Women's forums №4
Granddaughter of Charlie Chaplin
Crap. Will have to send it back. I ordered Asian.
Sometimes we don't see the obvious...
How cool is this giant from the Game of Thrones...
When you don't get the hints
All smiles!
Meeting in a parallel universe
Language is the head
Goddess of McDonald's
Oh, this fashion ...
Lucky for life
Cosplay on Saber (Fate/Extra)
One day in the life of a Russian doctor on the island of Haiti (Part 1)
"Niva" on cones
Tired of neighbors?
Rammstein - Du hast performed by Galkin, now I've seen more
"There is such a thing in the US as one-night stands, they usually get drunk on them and have a fun night ...
When you are a harsh brutal northerner
American in Russian bath
muddy mind
In Ryazan we have mushrooms with eyes
Just don't stand up!
[Long post] Battle of the Bastards. We analyze. (Spoilers)
demonic music
Morrowind. follow me
The office ordered new plates.
While the ruble is falling.
Three days off soon
Chief's son
Computer characters will get super realistic skin
A little something sad
I believe there are places where...
I could not resist
Road in Russia made of concrete.
A few subtle hints
Strange Russian salad
This guy knows something else...
Cubic is the first AI with character
The best negotiator of Westeros
The one I thought
The coolness is off scale
We are going from an excursion, and then ... daedrite, Azura ?!
Ay well done!
we are watching you, nothing
Japanese Photoshop Masters
Another story about betrayal
Terminator 2: 25 years later
Happy March 8th everyone!!! Greetings from Korea! Congratulations to everyone! Haven't invested in a while but wanted to cheer you up! ^^
Zhirinovsky will announce one of the metro stations
4 minutes of this video will immerse you in the indescribable atmosphere of the wedding.
[Long post] Battle of the Bastards. We analyze. (Spoilers)
I'll bust...
Saya 2016: The Missing Girl
Failed poll.
Happy Defender of the Fatherland
The reason I'm not vegan
Girls ...
night delirium
Are you a member of a secret club?
Not a fun thing to do on a bus.
An American filmed a time-lapse about his wife's pregnancy
Latecomers and latecomers.
Girls ...
Coincidence? I do not think.
Ate my dragons
Formation of convolutions in the brain
It's not easy being a Lady of Winterfell...
Relevant at all times
Electronic watch from 1916 parts
everyone has it, but...
Newspaper from the 90s
How I became a local celebrity and a bad example.
Morrowind. follow me
How the USSR announced the presence of its own nuclear weapons
No pillow...
I found such a cap in the village
Interesting facts about the dictators from the game Tropico 5
About socks...
The best motivation I have ever seen.
Top Gear and St. Petersburg tram :D
And in Ryazan, a 16-year-old girl drives like that
Now I will fix your universe
Congratulate me !
Session close
How to make fried chicken get up and go
Wow, what are you!
Always happy!
Like a flame in the snow
Honey, this purchase will not affect our relationship in any way.
Tolerant Moscow
Folding house
Game of Thrones
About trouble.
You can't forbid living beautifully..
It was the 93rd year Part.1
Have you seen a pregnant porpoise?) Honestly taken from 9gag...
Women's Forums #35
Moscow and Muscovites 30 years ago
And these are found.
Tolerant Moscow
Girls ...
On the set
This awkward moment
How do I miss this
About why we need NFC.
Annoying dog chases owner ALL THE TIME
How I ordered a bass in Indonesia.
How AMD and Asus made the netbook
In case of an apocalypse.
Mario Jago
seems like they like it here
Drying pepper
"Beautiful - to the left, ordinary - to the right"
Sometimes parcels from China still live up to expectations
10 reasons why life in Austria is not as fabulous as it is made out to be
Cabinet on the balcony
DIY terrace
Kanye West announces he will run in 2020
Geography in China
A harsh announcement at the zoo
I think or...
How Westeros and Essos change people
Why not?))
We are going from an excursion, and then ... daedrite, Azura ?!
Girls ...
Drank dough in the Game of Thrones
Well said
Childhood schizophrenia
Failed poll.
How cool is this giant from the Game of Thrones...
New trailer for the 6th season of "Game of Thrones"
When you sit on porn sites on business.
Well said
But the lafa is over! :-P
Invincible Innovation
Epic sausages)) When your girlfriend is a creative person
Grandma won't teach bad...
A harsh announcement at the zoo
A little about the end of the series
Mikhalkov's suffering
Might and Magic Heroes VII - the best review!
About sudden wealth and luck
When I was a kid..
A bit about Apple from the past
Found in myself. Looks like I know what to do in between cutting salads ^_^
Sometimes we don't see the obvious...
Drawing for subscribers.
Inspired by previous posts.
The story of one famous trick in the history of cinema
Degree of obesity
We remember, we have not forgotten
By screws
China launches swap trading of the yuan-ruble pair on Monday. In order to fully secure Russia from being disconnected from the SWIFT world
Cubic is the first AI with character
I recently walked around the capital ..
Sometimes we don't see the obvious...
spiderman is not the same
expectation is reality.
Maroon death machine
Upon arrival to us in the city of the patriarch, I even thought ...
"Fu, rogue ..." (Where are so many supposedly "successful" people from??!)
Some Soviet posters.
Guitarist-flamethrower from MAD MAX in LEGO)Cool)
When a rebellion is brewing in Dorne against your family and all you care about is your brother-in-law's orientation...
New version issues
Dresser doors
At the pharmacy
"Worn Grain Elevator Plate"
The main thing is that the nose does not itch
The Crazy Worlds of Lovecraft.
The reason I'm not vegan
Tired of neighbors?