Good154 comments

[5] [2] [1]

25-September-2018 Tuesday
Laughed. Does the Troll Factory still exist?

22-September-2018 Saturday
The first radio DJ of the USSR.

15-September-2018 Saturday
The theme of boobs in the 2011 film Bunker.

05-September-2018 Wednesday
Yesterday for the first time I saw an advertisement for the profession of a collector.

16-August-2018 Thursday
About the venality of people.

11-August-2018 Saturday

01-August-2018 Wednesday
The scam comes from the 90s. Very elegant.

30-July-2018 Monday
How to win a unique opportunity to pay the bank?

27-July-2018 Friday
But now it was embarrassing...

27-July-2018 Friday
End of the world. Literally.

26-July-2018 Thursday
Why don't they put video recorders on planes.

25-July-2018 Wednesday
Hyperloop with a new record! 467 kilometers per hour!

22-July-2018 Sunday
Bloody Nicholas II

04-July-2018 Wednesday
Why do gays cause aggression, but lesbians not so much? Part 2 and 3.

01-July-2018 Sunday
7 rules about Seven rules.

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