Gomomelius posts, page 9

01-August-2017 Tuesday
noise barrier

03-July-2017 Monday
Durov, door and Roskomnadzor

16-June-2017 Friday
The former head of Russian Railways Yakunin admitted that he really has a fur store

15-June-2017 Thursday
sneaker news of the day

13-June-2017 Tuesday
Fishing Dialogues

11-June-2017 Sunday
Fleeing vaccinations, Italian families immigrate from the country

10-June-2017 Saturday
In Novosibirsk, the CEO of a company that supplies equipment to leading clinics in the country has been placed under house arrest.

08-June-2017 Thursday
Do you want poutine with chicken or meat?

08-June-2017 Thursday
Territory and region

07-June-2017 Wednesday
Elbrus 101-RS: new generation Russian computers went into production

07-June-2017 Wednesday
Veterans were given one apartment for two (one has a kitchen, the other has a toilet)

02-June-2017 Friday
Zuckerberg proposes universal basic income in the US

01-June-2017 Thursday
"Yandex" will close offices in Kyiv and Odessa

01-June-2017 Thursday
Officials twist numbers after an accident: “this is normal practice”

30-May-2017 Tuesday
Notable breakthrough

30-May-2017 Tuesday
Insulting believers in Texas
