worst comments
Non-commercial men
Non-commercial men
Non-commercial men
About customer quality
Non-commercial men
Blocking "children's" channels on Youtube
Non-commercial men
Non-commercial men
I can play this all day
Youthful dog
Blocking "children's" channels on Youtube
Oh those Chinese...
Non-commercial men
Little Bit News #263
The Russian national handball team for the first time in 10 years reached the semi-finals of the European Championship
Blocking "children's" channels on Youtube
Who has a month to travel?
Biology textbooks propose to remove materials about Haeckel's law
More than half of Russians are sure that before the birth of children you need to get married
Suitcase. Civil irresponsibility...
Suitcase. Civil irresponsibility...
Comrade, drop the knife!
Photo Studio Story #36: Not One Good Photo
Little Bit News #367
An adult man beats a child.
Sberbank. To court for 5 kopecks.
Curiosities of employment