Gneiss comments

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18-September-2023 Monday
I found a Soviet savings book with my 1,760 rubles in 1990. I went to Sberbank for money and what came of it

06-September-2023 Wednesday
Is it crazy that I want a divorce because my wife wants a dog?

10-June-2023 Saturday
#17. Myth: money is earned dishonestly

08-June-2023 Thursday
I don't have the strength to listen

28-May-2023 Sunday
Children are not allowed to get off the bus.

24-May-2023 Wednesday
Kilometer of relatives

15-May-2023 Monday
Pediatrician about "overloaded" by circles and sections of children

18-April-2023 Tuesday
Working moments

03-December-2022 Saturday
Is religion imposed or is there a choice?

28-November-2020 Saturday
Geophysics or how to get money while traveling

29-October-2020 Thursday
Who can live well in Rus'? How much did you earn and how much did you spend in pre-revolutionary Russia?

11-November-2019 Monday
This is purely Peter!!!

07-September-2019 Saturday
Deltec wooden round houses once again withstood the onslaught of a Category 5 hurricane

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