GlooShock comments, page 2

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26-September-2013 Thursday
Steve Jobs: Empire of Seduction... I know I'm going to get downvoted, but the movie really sucks.

09-July-2013 Tuesday
Paired disadvantages

17-April-2013 Wednesday
Humble person

07-March-2013 Thursday
23 years old, 1000 matches for one club. Not a single red card.

23-February-2013 Saturday
And you know what...

09-February-2013 Saturday

08-February-2013 Friday
"And how much is 0 to the power of 0?" or goodbye brain...

02-February-2013 Saturday
Separate boiler...

23-January-2013 Wednesday
Cosplay / Elf (archer)

09-January-2013 Wednesday
My Cat

03-December-2012 Monday
New winter positive

16-November-2012 Friday
And really why?

07-November-2012 Wednesday
Bus incident

27-September-2012 Thursday

11-September-2012 Tuesday

06-September-2012 Thursday
People posting something like "do not smoke and do not drink put like"

20-August-2012 Monday
Football analyst Alexander Bubnov

16-August-2012 Thursday
Insanity grew stronger

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