Glongold comments, page 2

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27-April-2023 Thursday
Why is it beneficial to work informally and for whom?

26-April-2023 Wednesday
Plant now or how I was surprised

25-April-2023 Tuesday
Response to the post “In the Mytishchi hospital, a crowd of guests of the capital attacked doctors”

23-April-2023 Sunday
Dough settles in the bread machine

23-April-2023 Sunday
Reply to the post "Thinking about a personal car"

22-April-2023 Saturday
Gas stations Gazpromneft and their customer service or how to cram the non-pushable (a manual for refuellers, 57 liters in a 50-liter non-empty tank)

13-April-2023 Thursday
Crazy advertising post. I advertise tourist Bashkiria. Part two, summer

08-April-2023 Saturday
Sneakers in Moscow time not in a mortgage

02-April-2023 Sunday
5 week. Weight loss report from 71 kg to 65 kg (179 cm)

27-March-2023 Monday
The designer proposed a variant of the updated VAZ "Seven" based on Grants

25-March-2023 Saturday
Sports self-development day 2

23-March-2023 Thursday
About food prices in France and not only

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