GhostClown posts
05-March-2018 Monday
"Car window shooters" in Ulyanovsk.
05-February-2018 Monday
That feeling when the bourgeois mistook you for a bum, and they are trying to cash in on you
12-December-2017 Tuesday
Bout of nostalgia
07-October-2017 Saturday
Legal Spiritualism
25-June-2017 Sunday
When your "spinner" is the biggest
09-May-2017 Tuesday
It was just a matter of flipping 3 digits...
21-October-2016 Friday
When the song is real
17-October-2016 Monday
Purchase returns
16-October-2016 Sunday
Clear Marketing
22-July-2016 Friday
Teleport Master
22-July-2016 Friday
Just a stoned tree in the yard of my former school
21-July-2016 Thursday
smoking goose
19-July-2016 Tuesday
Passive smoker
15-July-2016 Friday
At home among strangers
09-July-2016 Saturday
08-July-2016 Friday
Surprise on the head
19-February-2016 Friday
I will shoot at close range for the monastery and the Buddha.
31-January-2016 Sunday
And then I felt uneasy ...
23-January-2016 Saturday
22-November-2015 Sunday
Everything is bad
16-October-2015 Friday
When used to scammers
21-June-2015 Sunday
19-May-2015 Tuesday
19-May-2015 Tuesday
Looks like he suspects something