GeoEnder posts

10-March-2014 Monday
Urgently read this post :`(

05-March-2014 Wednesday
Interview with Salvador Dali on why Leo doesn't have an Oscar!

04-March-2014 Tuesday
School test!

02-March-2014 Sunday
This is HUMOR! Don't downvote this post!

01-March-2014 Saturday
Suddenly! .. Turned on the iPad, and then ..!

25-February-2014 Tuesday
Urgent message! Chupacabra is going to become the president of Ukraine!

24-February-2014 Monday
Ukrainian Nyan Cat will punish those who are for the EU with laser bombs!

23-February-2014 Sunday
The only thing…

23-February-2014 Sunday
How did the Cossacks greet Yanukovych.

22-February-2014 Saturday
Someone's predictions came true!

22-February-2014 Saturday

19-February-2014 Wednesday
Romance 2009.
