Gazovoy comments

[10] [2] [1]

13-July-2024 Saturday
Blah, telling my colleagues that I wish the same for their children?

13-July-2024 Saturday
Blah if I kicked my husband out without allowing him to explain himself and I refuse contact?

13-July-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post “MLY for vacations on business trips? MLYA for evading household and marital responsibilities?”

13-July-2024 Saturday
Blah for vacation on business trips? MLYA for evading household and marital responsibilities?

13-July-2024 Saturday
Am I fucking if I want to enjoy my sausage alone?

13-July-2024 Saturday
Continuation of the post “About income over 500k and expenses”

12-July-2024 Friday
Blah, because I refuse to share responsibilities “fairly”?

11-July-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “But it was difficult to buy a car in the Union!”

11-July-2024 Thursday
Prime Minister of Georgia: 2024 will be the year of victory over “liberal fascism”

11-July-2024 Thursday
The price of life

11-July-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “The incident happened on the beach in Dagestan”

10-July-2024 Wednesday
Reply to the post “What little thing do you still hold a grudge about?”

10-July-2024 Wednesday
Damn, for just getting to the bottom of your man?

30-June-2024 Sunday
Am I an asshole if I go for a walk in a group where my ex-girlfriend is?

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