Gaizenberg comments, page 4

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24-September-2015 Thursday
I found such a sweatshirt on Ali)

08-August-2015 Saturday
Money changes everything.

22-May-2015 Friday
Today, May 22, a polar day began in Murmansk.

13-April-2015 Monday
If you could play basketball with your feet, this guy would be a superstar.

18-March-2015 Wednesday
Is it true or not?

18-March-2015 Wednesday
The best Oscar-winning films of the last 15 years.

17-March-2015 Tuesday
Everyone has their own approach

11-February-2015 Wednesday
How to live on a thousand rubles a month

11-February-2015 Wednesday
About female logic

09-February-2015 Monday
"Leather wallet, after 8 months of wearing in the back pocket of jeans, began to look even better"

01-February-2015 Sunday
King's Gambit!

23-January-2015 Friday
We will soon be like Orwell

21-January-2015 Wednesday

08-January-2015 Thursday

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