Funtizuma comments

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06-September-2013 Friday

05-September-2013 Thursday
Fragment of the comic "Dm of the Rings"

02-September-2013 Monday
Tolerant Europe....

02-September-2013 Monday
Kitchen secrets from Makarevich

01-September-2013 Sunday
Interesting Facts

31-August-2013 Saturday
A bit of folk metal... Listen at full volume!

29-August-2013 Thursday
Aircraft transportation

23-August-2013 Friday

19-August-2013 Monday
I saw in VK, I decided to add Myths from vegetarians.

15-August-2013 Thursday

29-July-2013 Monday
not porn, but perky =)

21-July-2013 Sunday
Giant dragon skull on Charmouth Beach.

25-June-2013 Tuesday
exemplary soviet family

05-June-2013 Wednesday
The Ghost of the Unreturned Squadron

17-May-2013 Friday
And then he was covered

13-January-2013 Sunday
100 questions to ask a girl

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