FreeLSD posts, page 3

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08-June-2016 Wednesday

20-March-2016 Sunday
The Russian Orthodox Church said that a person can accept death as an opportunity to change his life.

29-February-2016 Monday
Google employees processed a panoramic video with a waterfall using neural networks.

22-February-2016 Monday
Not a bad option

09-November-2015 Monday
Slightly familiar...

08-November-2015 Sunday
That will be more correct

04-November-2015 Wednesday
This look is priceless

28-September-2015 Monday
The cat doesn't care

17-September-2015 Thursday
Continuing the theme of niggas and their talk

13-August-2015 Thursday
Loved the real estate agency ad.

05-August-2015 Wednesday

01-August-2015 Saturday

10-July-2015 Friday
In the US, another teacher was sent to prison for sex with schoolchildren

08-July-2015 Wednesday
Here's how it turned out

08-July-2015 Wednesday
At first, I thought it was my VAZ, but then I looked closely - there is no nameplate 1600 on the rear fender.

05-July-2015 Sunday
When you get tired of responding to reviews in the market

23-June-2015 Tuesday
Pirated Windows 10

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