FoxAdel posts, page 2
16-July-2024 Tuesday
Looking for housing
23-March-2024 Saturday
49 questions later...
10-January-2024 Wednesday
Dig up once every 12 years))
25-June-2023 Sunday
How to wipe a workflow
21-April-2023 Friday
Looking for a series of games on the PC Yu-gi-oh!
27-February-2018 Tuesday
Computer science without computers.
11-December-2017 Monday
Outraged pikabush post
09-December-2017 Saturday
My Secret Santa :)
02-December-2017 Saturday
"End of the world"
16-November-2017 Thursday
What if?..
27-October-2017 Friday
A bit of human kindness in one comic
21-October-2017 Saturday
05-October-2017 Thursday
Retro photos of parents who are cooler than today's youth
04-October-2017 Wednesday
Popsicle mini cakes