worst comments
How the men and I dragged "Costa Concordia"
How the men and I dragged "Costa Concordia"
zoo portraits
How the men and I dragged "Costa Concordia"
How the men and I dragged "Costa Concordia"
Oyster mushroom cultivation
Where is the logic?
Why should stray dogs be euthanized?
How the men and I dragged "Costa Concordia"
Have you seen the movie Elimination yet? So I found phrases for you))
The largest ship (long post).
How the men and I dragged "Costa Concordia"
How the men and I dragged "Costa Concordia"
Peekaboo, ah-yes on the shrimp!
Oyster mushroom cultivation
How the men and I dragged "Costa Concordia"
Oyster mushroom cultivation
Peekaboo, ah-yes on the shrimp!
Where is the logic?
Don't even think!
It seemed
guys have no desire to buy a tank)
So here it is, with the coming)
Patient #1 (23-26 years old)
"Sherp" is a Russian-made all-terrain vehicle.