14-March-2016 Monday
Gorgeous straight seams on ORIGINAL ADIDAS for 6990 r
14-March-2016 Monday
How and why)?
23-December-2015 Wednesday
Sometimes it happens! everything is good.......
11-December-2015 Friday
I often see people like this! Who came up with this idiotic fashion?
01-July-2015 Wednesday
The man who could!
17-June-2015 Wednesday
Just Kostya and booze)
02-June-2015 Tuesday
Summer residents are different
01-June-2015 Monday
Vroom vroom
29-May-2015 Friday
Tire service lures
28-May-2015 Thursday
Let me shave, I think.
27-May-2015 Wednesday
DPS is always on duty
14-May-2015 Thursday
Ozzy with son
12-December-2014 Friday
Oh, this fashion)))!
10-December-2014 Wednesday
childhood game)
27-November-2014 Thursday
Coincidence )))