FisherNMZ comments

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23-March-2022 Wednesday
Abduction by the Vietnamese

17-March-2022 Thursday
The director filed a lawsuit against IKEA in the amount of 1 quadrillion rubles

17-March-2022 Thursday
Continuation of the post "I will soon become a father for the first time!!!)))"

11-March-2022 Friday
"Zhirinovsky's stay in a medicated sleep is over. He's getting documents from aides again," the source said.

11-March-2022 Friday
"Black" market of granulated sugar appeared in Nizhny Novgorod

05-March-2022 Saturday
The best doctor

02-March-2022 Wednesday
Amid all the negative news, the Sunlight jewelry store announced its closure.

25-February-2022 Friday
Stole shoes on the train

20-February-2022 Sunday

15-February-2022 Tuesday
Detained jihadists - drug addicts

14-February-2022 Monday
What should you do if your bank has closed?

09-February-2022 Wednesday
The State Duma proposed to ban the children of migrants from studying in Russian schools

08-February-2022 Tuesday
Kaluga governor banned migrants from working in catering, trade and transport

08-February-2022 Tuesday
Krishna Factor

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