Fisher256 comments, page 2

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16-March-2015 Monday
Darth Plagueis the Wise - Palpatine's (Darth Sidious) teacher

20-December-2014 Saturday
Vasily again

17-December-2014 Wednesday
Office mug

15-December-2014 Monday
That's why we check our shoes in Russia!

15-December-2014 Monday
Noticed it in the gift window.

15-December-2014 Monday
The recipe for a good movie saga.

14-December-2014 Sunday
So this is what she is ...

11-December-2014 Thursday
and we have such novelties in the university

02-December-2014 Tuesday
Interesting numbers

30-July-2014 Wednesday
I distribute keys for games, but with the condition ...

17-June-2014 Tuesday

07-June-2014 Saturday
Poroshenko's days are numbered.

01-June-2014 Sunday
When the session comes...

27-May-2014 Tuesday
Hopelessness in Minsk

25-May-2014 Sunday
Yes, I hear, I hear that OURS have won!

20-May-2014 Tuesday
Medvedev at MIET

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