Fincher comments, page 2
08-June-2013 Saturday
05-June-2013 Wednesday
Category: Guess the country from the photo!
05-June-2013 Wednesday
"You don't exchange friends for a whore" ©
05-June-2013 Wednesday
15 films about a journey into the past and the future
05-June-2013 Wednesday
Instructions for solving the Rubik's Cube in one minute
31-May-2013 Friday
31-May-2013 Friday
Today is the birthday of Clint Eastwood, the great actor and film director, today he turns 83 years old.
30-May-2013 Thursday
That's it, Pikabutyaniya.
29-May-2013 Wednesday
Pattern? (a little mat)
29-May-2013 Wednesday
Strange time.
29-May-2013 Wednesday
For guitarists and those who are learning.
29-May-2013 Wednesday
I decided to change the old joke a little
26-May-2013 Sunday
Thumbs up from superheroes
26-May-2013 Sunday
My eyes are having an orgasm reading this. PS I do not claim authorship of the text
25-May-2013 Saturday
In the center of London, in front of passers-by, two blacks cut off the head of a white cadet.