Ferdinand1945 comments

[7] [2] [1]

24-October-2020 Saturday
Post #7790681

18-October-2020 Sunday
Loud advertising on YouTube is a slap in the ears of users

05-October-2020 Monday
Second half in Mass effect

21-September-2020 Monday
On Sakhalin, the director of a school where students went on a picket against a third grader resigned

20-August-2020 Thursday
But there is something...

17-August-2020 Monday
Reply to the post “Lifetime right to a place in the queue”

27-June-2020 Saturday
Post #7549760

28-May-2020 Thursday
In all shopping centers

27-May-2020 Wednesday
"Simple sore throat"

20-April-2020 Monday
If you have nothing to entertain your neighbors...

28-February-2020 Friday
Post #7259006

23-January-2020 Thursday
Tokarevsky lighthouse in Vladivostok

22-October-2017 Sunday
Fighting cockroaches

[7] [2] [1]
