best comments
Music videos on MTV
Harsh reception, not for the faint of heart!!!
What would happen if the world was one village of 100 people
Double Fail !
Diploma Plan
Knight on Euromaidan
How to download applications in VK.
About the dangers of comics and video games...
Winner of the children's patriotic drawing competition
Subconscious mathematician
New generation prosthetic hand...
Equality :)
Ambiguous pictures!
An important fact for girls
Old Tony Hawk
Russian science
Chris and JD on twitter
Honest people have nothing to hide
Friend finally got married
"Disassembly" on the road ...
Brilliant worldwide agreement!
GAZ 66
Moscow police banned smiles
The best selfie I've ever seen
With this throw, the student won himself an increase in the scholarship in the amount of $ 18,000
An open letter from the head of the Superjob.ru portal Alexei Zakharov to the President of the Russian Federation
Question for the student
Fidel Castro slides down the ice slide. Moscow. RSFSR. USSR. January 1964
What did he say to him?
Should I confess to a guy?
Selling a house
Snow off the roof?
How the hell is that???
cat. business cat
Did the speaker see everything?
Jeremy Clarkson on motorcycles
Here is a quest waiting for me at the entrance XD
I'm definitely doing something wrong.
Oh those names :D
He just knows how to solve crossword puzzles.
Did you get a valentine?
Where are you? :3
My life will never be the same :(
What is it?
Invited him over
So that's it ...
No thanks.
The life of a severed head, and a body without a head ... Tin, not for the faint of heart (long post)
playing the imaginary guitar
Another story
Ukrondrug addiction
Hipsters #2
The rarest "Moskvich"
And then my point sank...
Successful guard...
Something doesn't look like smoke
13 Ways to Determine the Normality of a Movie from a Poster
Putin about toffees
SKA goalkeeper's backflip
Mom's annealing
Asians love french fries...really love...
Is it like that for everyone?
Kote again
How is that?
A case from real life or how an American was taught Russian obscenity.
Morning ( well, like morning, 01:30 ) on the first of January in the St. Petersburg metro
Went into the office to work
Maybe you will be more sociable?
Perfectionist hell!
Some day...
Chan VS headphones
Ukrondrug addiction
enterprising guy)
remember where the keys are.
Elizabeth and button accordion
Movie memes [Long post]
An unexpected turn for TP.
fox bride
Don't touch my money
Rain Maker Guide
Three stages of a man's courage
Self-portrait ... from paper (Long post)
Interesting facts about Valve (long post)
Tricky plan
Brain why do you read from left to right?
Top Best Game Developer Offices [LONG POST]
Severe Chelyabinsk
Another story
Subway incident
My life will never be the same :(
Pigeons settled on the balcony and hatch other pigeons :) Middle post.
Really :)
When I remembered a joke in a minibus)
Briefly about the Wahhabis (Salafis).
A meeting of plastic surgery fans...
How to have fun with hair
Every time you leave the house it feels like...
Grandpa broke the subway car
This is what blind people see with the new gadget Argus II (Bionic Eye)
This is how Robert Downey Jr. loves his little fans)
So wall
Do the Russians want wars?
Really :)
Went into the office to work
Abandoned amusement park
Great gift for a real man
Surprised American.
Spoilage test
Brazilians are bidding for rubber Valentina's virginity
Some facts about the baobab
Manly Guys Doing Manly Things
What is worth waiting for.
Hello, loha!
The Story of One Plymouth Roadrunner (long post)
"I'll loosen those hands! Come here!"
About difficulty levels.
Honeycombs with honey
Once I was walking along the playground and suddenly I saw a dove, and it was branded.
These ants multiply exponentially
Fly motion
You just watch National Geographic and you start to get wildly happy when you see your house!
Soviet Ivans!
Maidan warriors
How to cross the river...
Dinosaur bone, meteorite and white gold ring.
Showdown on Peekaboo
cheating master
Eh...these girls
I always want to do this
There are pluses in everything
And funny and sad ...
Store :0
It is a masterpiece!
Conventional DPT through the eyes of viewers
The creepiest sight I've ever seen
Kill me!
That's it
Good morning
A brick house is provided for him
Bought a helicopter.
Now this is my boat!
Always like this)
Explosions are better
salty tears
Main rule..
Medieval Batman and Aquaman.
The frailty of gaming life
"My friend took a picture of his cat through a pipe. Lunokot is presented to your attention!"
The first pancake is not always lumpy
spun the girl)
The guy lost the bet and was dressed up for the first date as Fry.
Harlem Shake you say? -_-
Banal curiosity can bring to prison
Medieval Batman and Aquaman.
They are both cool
Since autumn has already begun, here is my "catch" :D
Meanwhile in Africa
I didn’t understand something, but where is my plate
Wolverine cosplay
But-but, you're under the gun!
The cycle of humor on the Internet
A reliable excuse
A meeting of plastic surgery fans...
Peekaboo, I have an idea for Forever alone!
Good night, children.
This guy has a severe allergy to hair dye.
The first pancake is not always lumpy
That awkward moment when you do everything and get nothing.
Medieval Batman
The grass used to be greener and it's true...
Accident on the Ring Road, Russian inflicted 5 stab wounds to himself in the chest.
Tower crane assembly
How to humiliate male self-esteem in a split second.
The millionth post! Peekaboo is the very best!! =)
In the light of recent events.
Right choice)
Another way to get rid of a bad tooth
Continuing the DayZ theme...
The first pancake is not always lumpy
Chan VS headphones
100-year-old "Mr. Universe"
So, is the camera in place?
How climbers are photographed.
Girls, I beg you..
A selection of fails with commas :)
You can make a movie about him :D
Another story
I hate him!
Well, you understand..)
Good movies for the evening for you.
MTV Russia
Thinking out loud
History of one pin
It's OK.))
If being sexy is a crime, then arrest me.
A little variety, otherwise it’s all cats and boobs :)
And the wife of the boss is still a troll!
Chan VS headphones
Hi girls!
Why wasn't this on the news...
Takes pride!
Do you know who painted these pictures?
Second half (long post)
Am I a man or not?
Did not work out
Dude, you screwed up!!!!
GTA Chechnya
10 books read in one sitting
Fit cosplay
Oh grape!
Made a sandwich but my fantasy tells me it's not a sandwich
okay kidding)
Got it forever alone!
What would happen if the world was one village of 100 people
Reality bugs...
Breaking bad
Another story
Another story
Mist, Mrs. Carmody
I hate him!
To the Stalingrad Victory.
A beard is a man's friend (carefully long post!)
The first pancake is not always lumpy
Defender is not a problem...
The whole essence of men.
I thought.
Question for guys/men