Felicita334 comments, page 73

[74] [73] [72] [1]

03-June-2023 Saturday
Ploughshare in Russian architecture

20-March-2023 Monday
Deer or no deer?

16-December-2022 Friday
A police officer fired a full clip of JHP at a man who was holding a woman at the point of a knife

15-October-2022 Saturday
Shame on you for being young...

29-August-2022 Monday
Viagra + alcohol = problems

29-August-2022 Monday
Reply to the post "About secrecy"

14-May-2022 Saturday
Especially for Kazakhstan. Senior Lieutenant Ardana Botai

04-April-2022 Monday

01-April-2022 Friday
What if you love meat very much, but you can't have it for medical reasons?

01-April-2022 Friday
These eyes are opposite

24-February-2021 Wednesday
How the pastor's daughter gave in *oops

22-February-2021 Monday
Guys, these are randomly surviving boys...

[74] [73] [72] [1]
