FedorGromovick comments

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01-March-2022 Tuesday
Glory to the heroes

01-March-2022 Tuesday
Response to the post "Ozerki continue to plant"

01-March-2022 Tuesday
appeal to pikabushnikov

01-March-2022 Tuesday

01-March-2022 Tuesday
For those who still think it is a "military operation"

01-March-2022 Tuesday
China all

28-February-2022 Monday
Patriotism in tiktok is thriving. The author of the video is me. I am not ashamed to be Russian. Thank you all

28-February-2022 Monday
Cheburnet seems to be approaching

28-February-2022 Monday
What it means to remain human, even in times of war (Kharkov)

27-February-2022 Sunday
Response to the post "Spammers from Ukraine are trying to block Peekaboo"

27-February-2022 Sunday
Was the violation of the Geneva Convention ordered?

27-February-2022 Sunday
Why did they close the sealants at the station or metro stations in Kiev?

26-February-2022 Saturday
Kharkov. Today 26.02.2022

26-February-2022 Saturday
Resident of Kiev

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