worst comments
The Moscow government demanded 1 million rubles from the activist of the movement "God's Will" Lyudmila Esipenko
Attack of dogs in Chelyabinsk or "I won't get anything anyway!"
At an interview at RosEvroBank, a man was ridiculed because of maternity leave
Catalonia withdraws from Spain
Another death sentence carried out in Belarus
Do good, and spit in the back.
The organizers of the World Cup in China forbade Ukrainian epee fencers to be photographed with an anti-Russian poster
Do good, and spit in the back.
Best Poster
The boy goes to success
Not a freebie, Russian.
Not a freebie, Russian.
A terrible crime.
Another death sentence carried out in Belarus
That's it! The diet is over...
Not a freebie, Russian.
The Black Desert moderators forced the player to write an essay as a punishment...
The organizers of the World Cup in China forbade Ukrainian epee fencers to be photographed with an anti-Russian poster
Answered by Alexander Druz
Not a freebie, Russian.
Maintaining balance and composure.
Everything can be hacked.
"Wooly" penguin
With mayonnaise
You don't cook like mom
What is this bamboo product for?
How is this possible?
Pornhub is ready to accept all NSFW artists who got kicked off Tumblr
Political jokes in the game beholder
22 ways to visually increase the space of the room
How to (not) get rid of anxiety
Who can't be hit?
A performance for a thief
The more important the doctor...
"Wooly" penguin
Not relatives.
Divine Blitz
When to go to extremes
The organizers of the World Cup in China forbade Ukrainian epee fencers to be photographed with an anti-Russian poster
The organizers of the World Cup in China forbade Ukrainian epee fencers to be photographed with an anti-Russian poster
Revenge for our difficult childhood!
Where did you learn to care for so much?
I am for equality
Educated Taxi Driver.
There should be no room for racism in this world
There must be some mystery in a woman ...
Two girlfriends
Sergey Chonishvili is a funny moment of the voice acting process.
Four horsemen of the Apocalypse
Four horsemen of the Apocalypse
The mind cannot understand Russia ...
Why not?
Take back what is yours
Image is nothing ...
Harsh Japanese textbook
Meanwhile on the forums #53
Meanwhile on the forums #53
Let's shoot bro, airsoft ...
Interesting young man
About the length of the skirts of schoolgirls
Interesting young man
Ulza's response to "The Wrong Career Choice"
Two girlfriends
Starcraft 2 Esports Ranking
There is nothing better than 2 Isers on turn 4
Hong Kong. Underground. Beautiful and probably practical...
Donskoy fisherman discovered a parcel dump
Broken stove? No problem!
About burning calories.
Giveaway Paladins (3 Expansions)
Survive in style: Sauer M30 Luftwaffe
It seems that in Lyubertsy there is still a "weather generator" or a very powerful shaman
"Immortality does not lead to good..."
Pavlik Morozov discovered on Steam
Spoke out.
Radio amateurs, respond, please.
When you tried really hard
Tell the actress
Ballistic examination will show who is the real shooter here, and who is aiming with his hand
Are you sure everything is fine?
Belarusian marathoner covered her entire uniform with blood, mixed up the road before the finish line, but still won
Not bad reissues would be
Rumor: Project Scorpio will get 10K backing
Best birthday present
Failed work of taxidermists
Giveaway Paladins (3 Expansions)
GTA 5 is a generator of mayhem.
How to find out the wifi password in a bar
Who will close?
There is nothing better than 2 Isers on turn 4
And the dog dreamed of a sheepskin coat
Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets teaser trailer with Russian subtitles
strong statement)
This is Darksouls \_()_/
Please help me find anime.
Vile xenos
"Wooly" penguin
Please help me find anime.
Not relatives.
Cannon strikes
You don't have many VKontakte friends, we'll call you back
About winnings
Again about safety
Yuri Loza commented on the "victory" of his daughter Alsu on the show "Voice. Children"
I'll give it away for free or a short story about insanity
Housing issue
I just have a constitution.
How do systems engineers think?
You translate
He definitely doesn't miss hand day.
Why did The Mist end the way it did?
Bread in my head
fruit doctor
Anime titles have become mega dumb
Movement and rest
Pathetic original and unique parody
Really interesting
If it is not possible to turn off the water)
All bosses are mortal
Cyclist who beat a pedestrian with a bat gets 5 years
The Witcher 2 to all closed beta testers (GOG)
Independent woman...
What a *weird* experiment
Please help me find anime.
Yandex will not offer bad
If you want to warm up - pay
Batman costume
On the subject of kindergarten.
"These bunches of grapes turn into... a bunch of grapes"
You called me on a switched off phone
It happens the same
Who is daddy's killing machine?
"What do you know about gates, puppy"
teardrop anime
27 years ago, a second Chernobyl almost happened in the White Sea
Truth is known in comparison
About the necromancer from the new diablo expansion
May comic book lovers get such girls in the new year ...
Help find anime
Are there doctors here?
It's not dad, it's uncle.
About pills, self-medication and I don't know what else.
Gotta drink!!!!
When they promised a yummy if you finish cranberries.
"Blind player looking for friends to play together"
In Britain, charging from a Dell laptop burned the child's hand to the bone
Heavy food....
Heavy food....
"Hi, Gabriel."
Interesting fact.
Get well soon
Prompt mouse up to 2 thousand
The teacher recorded an in-depth online course on electrical engineering for programmers. It has 377 video lessons and is available on Youtube.
Preparing food for the week
Background to Dark Souls
What's inside the smeshariki?
Marketing from God
Looks like it's time for someone to finish
I love video game girls
Customer focus
The guy made himself a chic Batman costume with different gadgets
Decided to experience the famous divorce
Moscow is preparing for the New Year, or have I missed something from the latest political news?
How they make videos about stupid modern youth
The story of my weight loss
She didn't know how to cook borscht!
LITTLE BIG and big little plagiarism.
The pharmacy also employs people with a sense of humor.
The pharmacy also employs people with a sense of humor.