best comments
Not a vocational school, but a college!
You Know Nothing Jon Snow
Somehow I felt restless
Thanks, Dmitry Anatolievich. Showed me my place
League of acquaintances or how to find your soul mate.
A brilliant plan on how to win the love of a girlfriend.
The game has begun
Photoshop magic
How a proxy works
Pain post.
When a book needs to be published but the cover isn't ready yet
So Pikachu got to me
Jokes about mom
Pain post.
We had such a rainbow in Sochi
Somehow I felt restless
40 secrets of waitering
When a book needs to be published but the cover isn't ready yet
What JK Rowling Thought When She Wrote Harry Potter
Thanks, Dmitry Anatolievich. Showed me my place
Childhood memories: the other side of the coin
Somehow I felt restless
Oh this wedding, or my "best" friend
Live in pleasure
Tired of waiting for the agenda
Mirzaev was given two years for a fatal blow without a good reason, a girl was given THREE years for self-defense without death ...
Bad phrase.
Why not
So Pikachu got to me
Tutor's notes.
4 facts about religion
Ran into a problem here
I believe in the power of pickups!!!
Recklessness in all its glory
Matrix next to us
Work for a start on 6 tr
In Yekaterinburg, a security guard taught a greyhound major a lesson. Shovel. Video.
Debosh "military" in Kostroma
Pain post.
Where did you get these pictures, doctor?
Childhood memories: the other side of the coin
Here they bargained.
Thanks, Dmitry Anatolievich. Showed me my place
When a book needs to be published but the cover isn't ready yet
Reply to the post "Unfortunately this is happening"
Three simple words that will help you get out of any situation: "Russians Did It" (Russians did it).
Naked truth
Briefly about what is happening now with the patriarch's VKontakte page
People, I'm sorry!
Fear of the operation. support me
Thanks, Dmitry Anatolievich. Showed me my place
On the wave of posts about the struggle
On the wave of posts about the struggle
Might and Magic Heroes VII - the best review!
here I am lying in bed and thinking... in fact, here are my thoughts... guys, please think about it...
Again about Irkutsk, but not about the "hawthorn".
Traveled covers of Russian science fiction
Pain post.
About a male teacher
Post 8092687
When he gave the "Martian" to physicists to read
shocking school
Interview with a 17-year-old boy from the Right Sector.
Excerpts from Leslie Alex's "The Bull Hunt"
Everyone who has a bump on the back of his head
"Lions" against "Swamp"
"Lions" against "Swamp"
Shkolota rake to the fullest!
Relevant now. Students will appreciate.
"Lower" rap rap - it's brilliant!
Verse. Just a verse. Who will like it - I will be glad. For those who don't, that's fine. Constructive criticism is accepted. PySy will not be accepted at your own expense
Pain post.
Top 40 Most Beautiful Acting Adult Movie Actresses Part 1 (Long Post)
Pain post.
Thanks, Dmitry Anatolievich. Showed me my place
Thanks, Dmitry Anatolievich. Showed me my place
Salary of an assistant MSTU.
How to persuade the ancestors
Don't piss off the boss
Threatened to call the police
Not a vocational school, but a college!
Brief review of Lukyanenko's books (IMHO)
Heretics of Cathar.
The female chief in Malawi who canceled 850 child marriages and sent girls back to school.
After the photo of Putin and Merkel, the Ukrainians realized that they were being leaked slowly and they began to post comments on Merkel's main page
In a Moscow school, teenagers committed violence against a peer
Eyes hurt from the monitor