09-June-2023 Friday
Min in. Affairs of Ukraine Kulebishche rejected the proposal of international organizations to conduct an independent investigation into the explosion of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station

09-June-2023 Friday
Ukraine and part of Western countries called on the Russian Federation at the UN to provide access to the left bank of the Dnieper

09-June-2023 Friday
Prigozhin called "complete nonsense" accusations of a lieutenant colonel kidnapped by the Wagnerites

08-June-2023 Thursday
Russians are proud of Putin and the military

08-June-2023 Thursday
"Black Book" about the crimes of Ukrainian neo-Nazis presented in Moscow

08-June-2023 Thursday
Kyiv called Tucker Carlson a "scoundrel" for reporting on the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station

08-June-2023 Thursday
The destruction of the dam of the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station and the flooding of territories. What is known?

08-June-2023 Thursday
Heroes of the assault on Upper Lars

08-June-2023 Thursday
"For military distinction"

08-June-2023 Thursday
Tucker Carlson
