FMStary posts

01-October-2023 Sunday
Fighting alcoholism

28-September-2023 Thursday
The fight against alcoholism Beginning

21-February-2022 Monday
Don't let people go to Yandex Market – nothing good... Part 3

28-January-2022 Friday
Don't let people go to Yandex Market – nothing good... Part 2

15-January-2022 Saturday
Don't let people go to Yandex Market – nothing good...

26-January-2021 Tuesday
And everything seems to be fine, but it feels like life is falling apart at the seams...

25-January-2021 Monday
They regulated, regulated, but didn’t regulate...

23-January-2021 Saturday
How snow is removed in Moscow

11-March-2018 Sunday
Bunny moan - Label-branch-baby
