EugenM comments, page 108

[108] [107] [1]

03-July-2022 Sunday
Meet at the corner of Kishiev Street!

03-July-2022 Sunday
NATO Enlargement Chief

28-June-2022 Tuesday
Racing is not only beautiful fast cars Part 1

28-June-2022 Tuesday
Friendship at the price of one ice cream))))

25-June-2022 Saturday
This Osborne 1 is the world's first laptop. It was created back in 1981 and it still works

23-June-2022 Thursday
This giant vacuum cleaner that sucks up rubble

23-June-2022 Thursday
Garibaldi Castle. Samara region, with. Khryashchevka

02-June-2022 Thursday
Well, yes, yes, yes, I'll do it ...

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