EtoNe9 posts

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05-June-2019 Wednesday
Combat Grazer: Gravity weapons are scarier and more effective than anything military thought today has to offer [FAKE]

26-March-2019 Tuesday
Someone at Papa John's has rewatched the series.

14-March-2019 Thursday
Briefly about dolphins

08-March-2019 Friday
The State Duma allowed to punish for disrespect for the authorities on the Internet

08-March-2019 Friday
People power

08-February-2019 Friday
Pisces pass 'mirror test', but scientists still question whether they have self-awareness

01-February-2019 Friday
Our universe has a twin sister: time flows in the opposite direction

09-January-2019 Wednesday
Petersburgers fear for the life of mathematician Perelman

08-January-2019 Tuesday
French teenager injected himself with the Bible and the Koran

26-December-2018 Wednesday
When I finally bought everyone gifts

20-November-2018 Tuesday
UK-sized termite habitat discovered

06-May-2018 Sunday
University staff in the US lost weapons-grade plutonium

04-May-2018 Friday
The existence of God is disproved mathematically

19-April-2018 Thursday
Elon - President of Mars

18-April-2018 Wednesday
Cat Murzilka

28-February-2018 Wednesday
Kiev woman who fried eggs on the Eternal Flame will receive 4,000 euros

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