best comments
International Day Against Homophobia
Wife. Underpants. Ass
Natural food, no chemicals!
Illumination of Alena Povysheva.
Look at the phoenix and you will understand everything
Illumination of Alena Povysheva.
Illumination of Alena Povysheva.
Reviews about threesome sex on one well-known women's forum
Growing up without a father?
Growing up without a father?
South Korea is another planet!
Dream work
Dream work
Men's forums №7
Diet, such a diet
Exhausted tirgritsa "came to people" for help
Illumination of Alena Povysheva.
Getting to know mom
Grandfather's swallow!
Dream work
Personal life of UrFU students
Personal life of UrFU students
Die, but give birth!
Illumination of Alena Povysheva.
Beautiful question in What?
Personal life of UrFU students
Another entertaining manual for preschoolers, for the glory of Satan of course
The reason I'm not a rapper either
Chinese Alenka
Die, but give birth!
Illumination of Alena Povysheva.
Indian education minister against evolution
Interesting events and stories that happened before the "philosopher's stone"
Natural food, no chemicals!
Few posts in a small town group.
"The Sound of Freedom" is the best film of the year
Warm autumn?
Kherson all
About languages.
Dream work
The only documented example that homeopathy can save a life
Warm autumn?
Warm autumn?
"Realistic" does not mean "fat"
Die, but give birth!
That feeling when you are 30 years ahead of humanity.
Kherson all
Kherson all
The whole point of providers
Water procedures
Warm autumn?
Well, wait...
That feeling when you are 30 years ahead of humanity.
Oh, those marketers
Briefly about passing exams by students.
The sea is worried!
Illumination of Alena Povysheva.
Be careful today guys!
The only documented example that homeopathy can save a life
Warm autumn?
Pleasures of family life...
A Small Selection of Translations - 115
A Small Selection of Translations - 115
Kherson all
Illumination of Alena Povysheva.
About "adventurer doctors", my personal experience ...
Waiting for new episodes
Kherson all
Songs that everyone gets wrong
First infrastructure, then everything else (C) China
Kherson all
Invisible professions
Knowledge Day!
Photo Story #14
No bugs or brain feminism
Natural food, no chemicals!
DNA test ruined girl's life
That feeling when you are 30 years ahead of humanity.
Men's forums №7
Men's forums №7
Well, yes
Stay with me
Illumination of Alena Povysheva.
As long as there is time
Who do volunteers in Tula collect money for?
Be careful today guys!
These guys can't be stopped
My wife sometimes gives away
Kherson all
Kherson all
What do you know about narcissism?
Natural food, no chemicals!
Kherson all
On the wave of posts, it was-became
(237/366) On July 25, the first child conceived as a result of IVF was born
Briefly about vaccines, children, and vegetarianism
Kherson all
Getting ready for separation
Water procedures
Lack of weight post
Stop spreading poverty!
The main thing is not knowledge, but reasoning
There is nothing to say about the old woman from "Goldfish"
Balance achieved
It turned out that the Greek statues looked different
Everyday life of a doctor
Within Temptation
Within Temptation
Ruthless Israeli Police
Beautiful question in What?
Illumination of Alena Povysheva.
Abkhazia... a tale about how Ahu..li in an unrecognized country.
Illumination of Alena Povysheva.
How to explain fractions to a child using Lego :)
Indian education minister against evolution
Quotes of great men"
Kherson all
When the heart rate goes up...
Extra kids?
Lack of weight post
Natural food, no chemicals!
About homeopathy - the whole point in 5 words.
About homeopathy - the whole point in 5 words.
Natural food, no chemicals!
A girl with a weight of 245 g was born in the USA. She managed to survive
A girl with a weight of 245 g was born in the USA. She managed to survive
Prague tram
What do you think about this?
The main thing is not knowledge, but reasoning
Reply to the post “Bookmark price”
The pickup has gone!
Kherson all
Comrade Perestroika
Detention of killers of a taxi driver in Nizhny Novgorod 18+ profanity
If they gave me a dollar for every racist joke
In Bashkiria, a guy saved a pensioner freezing in the snow
Pre-revolutionary penal servitude. Convict types.
On the wave of posts, it was-became
Women of Game of Thrones
Evolution of Arya Stark
Diet, such a diet
Dream work
Tales of a children's writer
Educational and lustful
Briefly about vaccines, children, and vegetarianism
About ideal men
Within Temptation
I'm looking for an ambulance. Power Peekaboo, come!
Well, wait...
The only documented example that homeopathy can save a life
Kherson all
Kherson all
Songs that everyone gets wrong
Kherson all
A girl with a weight of 245 g was born in the USA. She managed to survive
The next move is yours, sausage under a fur coat.
Natural food, no chemicals!
Stop spreading poverty!
How we treated Attention Deficit Disorder, or how a psychologist milked us.
About the vultures.
About homeopathy - the whole point in 5 words.
"Don't be surprised, it's normal." TOP habits from Russia that an American adopted
Cheaper counterparts
Natural food, no chemicals!
When you think about what to say
How not to get married
About interviews and recruiters
February 22
What do you think about this?
One day
Take care of your health
What about me right now?
Kherson all
Kherson all
And now
And now
The only documented example that homeopathy can save a life
The State Duma called a bill on the sale of alcohol from the age of 21 a mockery.
When stupidity has no limits
The first pirated translation of Harry Potter
After the performance
Where to go after work after the Faculty of Philosophy?
No bugs or brain feminism
When you take a drunk friend home)
Americans are launching the series "Roadside Picnic"
About ideal men
About ideal men
Women of Game of Thrones
(237/366) On July 25, the first child conceived as a result of IVF was born
22-year-old Brazilian filmed her own murder
Dream work
on a note
"Women can't be beaten, but..."
Beautiful question in What?
Diet, such a diet
At the edge of the world
The strongest student at Hogwarts.
About "adventurer doctors", my personal experience ...
From childhood
Vaccines and anti-vaxxers
Vaccines and anti-vaxxers
An idea inspired by six years in the specialty of fine arts.
Women of Game of Thrones
On the wave of posts, it was-became
On the wave of posts, it was-became
About ideal men
About ideal men
About ideal men
About ideal men
disciplined dad
For lovers of a small threesome* #42
The whole point
The whole point
The whole point
A girl with a weight of 245 g was born in the USA. She managed to survive
A girl with a weight of 245 g was born in the USA. She managed to survive