Eragonus posts

06-August-2019 Tuesday
These people have to be transported through traffic jams for 100 rubles.

23-June-2019 Sunday
Foggy Labrador Morning

24-May-2019 Friday
Get a mortgage they said...)

14-May-2019 Tuesday
The S-500 "Prometheus" air defense system chained an American system of 2040 to a rock.

09-March-2019 Saturday
If the US attacks Russia, the retaliatory strike will not be on bases in Europe, but on command in Washington - Satanovsky

26-February-2019 Tuesday
About a new interview with Dude.

16-February-2019 Saturday
On the topic of discussion by Putin and Lukashenko on the creation of a union state between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus

29-January-2019 Tuesday
I think there's something wrong with this little table...

18-January-2019 Friday
A childhood friend owes 10 thousand rubles for 3 years already. Part 4

18-January-2019 Friday
A post for those who did not have time to see who this debtor is that he owes me 10 thousand rubles for 3 years.

18-January-2019 Friday
I have been waiting for money from a friend (magician 80 lv) of childhood for 3 years. Part 2

17-January-2019 Thursday
I have been waiting for money from a childhood friend for 3 years. I'm already wondering what's new with this person) Part 1

07-January-2019 Monday
I bought a book for my daughter ... I'm sitting here thinking under what it was written!?

05-January-2019 Saturday
Something like this you can imagine the administrator of the group at that moment
