Elena.Lentseva comments, page 3

[7] [4] [3] [2] [1]

19-September-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post "How Yandex blocked my account on the Market with 30,500 points"

17-September-2024 Tuesday
Response to the post "Medvedev announced a shortage of mathematics teachers in schools"

11-September-2024 Wednesday
Salary in the Russian Federation

07-September-2024 Saturday
And everything will be fine!

05-September-2024 Thursday
Septaria. What kind of beast is this? And what's inside her?

04-September-2024 Wednesday
Help expose the scammer

01-September-2024 Sunday
Children's book with adult meaning

31-August-2024 Saturday
Reply to the post "How Varley Praised Her Youth in the USSR and Received a Wave of Hate in Response"

29-August-2024 Thursday
Even though I'm damn old, I'm still happy to see you, master.

[7] [4] [3] [2] [1]
