ElektroOniks posts, page 2
28-March-2024 Thursday
Reply to the post “Remove option”
11-November-2023 Saturday
Reply to the post “Two Worlds”
12-June-2023 Monday
It's a shame
21-April-2023 Friday
Fucking work schedule of the Russian Post
03-December-2022 Saturday
14-November-2022 Monday
The answer to the post “We all should have such neighbors!”
15-October-2022 Saturday
What's in their heads?
12-August-2022 Friday
I remind
16-June-2022 Thursday
When everything seems to be thought out, but not completely
10-June-2022 Friday
09-February-2022 Wednesday
Updating the Peekaboo App
06-November-2021 Saturday
fried potatoes
03-October-2021 Sunday
Reply to the post "Intruder died"
26-September-2021 Sunday
For a break...
13-August-2021 Friday
Into the corner!
06-August-2021 Friday
The answer to the post “Working in a taxi with surprises.
23-March-2021 Tuesday
Who are you in fact?
06-October-2020 Tuesday
What could go wrong? :)
15-June-2020 Monday
Quite intelligible
01-June-2020 Monday
04-March-2020 Wednesday
About the daytime running lights being on
27-January-2020 Monday
Kobe Bryant's daughter died along with her father
20-December-2019 Friday
Conversations in a taxi