EgikKosonogii comments

[11] [2] [1]

16-June-2020 Tuesday
Photos that show the lengths to which zoo animals must be weighed

12-June-2020 Friday
Everything happened before the eyes of the mother: in Khakassia, a woman sold her 7- and 8-year-old daughters to a pedophile lover

08-June-2020 Monday
More footage of Madarburg! Part 3

03-June-2020 Wednesday
The first time is so awkward. Part 1

01-June-2020 Monday
Holiday! My self-employed taxes for last year were refunded!

01-June-2020 Monday
Making a Comic Table from epoxy resin

30-May-2020 Saturday
Your face to the robot...

18-May-2020 Monday
A very easy way to quit smoking

17-May-2020 Sunday
Construction of the most budget-friendly country house

13-May-2020 Wednesday
Square in Yekaterinburg, where they wanted to build a temple

16-April-2020 Thursday
A few home sports fails

25-March-2020 Wednesday
Jewish quarantine

11-March-2020 Wednesday
Evo is so crazy

11-September-2019 Wednesday
Looking for a good gynecologist-endocrinologist

04-November-2017 Saturday
We are stuck here..

[11] [2] [1]
