03-February-2023 Friday
Response to the post "Old men go to battle: the country's defense plants cannot recruit workers"
02-February-2023 Thursday
Let's drink
19-January-2023 Thursday
15-January-2023 Sunday
Not at all honest Yandex or business in Russian
14-January-2023 Saturday
Out of ignorance, I handed over an expensive metal product for a penny to scrap metal
06-January-2023 Friday
Closing the question about the observation of men
04-January-2023 Wednesday
Winter and summer in the southern and northern hemispheres
01-January-2023 Sunday
Don't want to be intrusive
30-December-2022 Friday
Cheating Yandex food for 15,000 rubles
17-December-2022 Saturday
Russian language and some changes
13-December-2022 Tuesday
An attempt to escape from mother-in-law
09-December-2022 Friday
Reply to the post "The story of how I first decided to go to meet a guy"
08-December-2022 Thursday
The story of how I first decided to approach to meet a guy
21-November-2022 Monday
Aliexpress.Sru the results of the special operation to squeeze money
14-November-2022 Monday
The stadium in Russia didn't meet FIFA's standards for a World Cup, so they added 18,000 seats in the most appalling way.
09-November-2022 Wednesday
To the director bitch!
01-November-2022 Tuesday
Intercom from Dom.ru
29-October-2022 Saturday
If he is guilty, then he must answer for himself ...
27-October-2022 Thursday
ICR for the first time opened a criminal case on non-execution of an order in wartime
06-October-2022 Thursday