Dyrson comments, page 3

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20-May-2015 Wednesday
Good caricature from the magazine "Crocodile"

15-May-2015 Friday
The denouement of the story about the bike path in Stavropol

14-May-2015 Thursday
Crazy Russians through the eyes of foreigners.

13-May-2015 Wednesday
Wood after a lightning strike

09-May-2015 Saturday
Hockey player Alexei Kolpakov dived into the icy Irtysh to save a drowning girl.

08-May-2015 Friday
The first photos from the interior of the new BMP Kurgarnets

07-May-2015 Thursday
Bosnian President Milorad Dodik flew to Moscow for the Parade on a regular plane.

02-May-2015 Saturday
First time on the red carpet

30-April-2015 Thursday
Krasnoyarsk! Help find the bike thief!

30-April-2015 Thursday
Take on board

28-April-2015 Tuesday
freedom of choice

27-April-2015 Monday
So it goes

19-April-2015 Sunday
How big is the universe?

11-April-2015 Saturday
Malaysian soldier continued to march even after accidentally receiving a bayonet strike from the back row

07-April-2015 Tuesday
"When you don't really like sunlight"

29-March-2015 Sunday
hardships of life

23-March-2015 Monday
Drawings in the margins

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